shirt: Old Navy . cami: unknown . pants: sample sale unknown . shoes: Qupid - . bag: Coach . necklace & earrings: F21 . sunnies: random find in San Francisco
As cliche as it is, truly, there's no place like home! When I say I'm happy to be back home...I'm HAPPY to back home. If you don't know, I spent the last almost 10 days in hot, sweaty, humid, sweltering, did I say hot state of Alabama. I should say though that I LOVE the food. As they say, there's no other hospitality that can compare to southern hospitality. Not to mention how good it was to see my friends and church family in real life instead of on Facebook. I've got mad love for Alabama, but that yucky summer heat is for the birds!
Is it just me or does it ever seem to you like after a vacation you need another vacation from your vacation? Maybe it's just me. I should have requested the day off from work today. I'm a little jet lagged, hence the lack of creativity in today's post, and I've got so much clean up and laundry to do. Where do I begin. Ugh!
Well, I'm glad to be back! I won't complain. The week will be over before I know it. I've missed you guys, but I hope you had fun with Deva_Style's post. I love to share my blogging world with others and if sharing my page encourages someone then so be it!
Oh and here's my OOTD for today!