Today's post is somewhat experimental. Let me explain. Well, first let me apologize. I've been on somewhat of a hiatus, but it's been for good reason. Among all of the other factors that contribute to my increasing busy-ness over the past couple of years, the camera I normally use decided it was time to go to heaven. Well, not without a little help from my daughter Julia throwing it on the floor. That was about a month or so ago. During that time she also managed to shatter the screen of my iPhone.
These pictures are stills chopped from a video recording on my Flip camera. That explains the grainy look. I'm going to get a new camera eventually, I just want to make sure that my next one has a remote or at least a timer and I'd love it even more if it's under $200. Here are two I'm considering:

At any rate, I'm going to get a new camera but for the time being you'll have to bear with me.
By the way, I have an interesting DIY post that I'll be posting soon!
Stay tuned.