jacket: ? . purse: vintage boutique find as seen here . dress: my DIY t-shirt creation as seen here worn backwards . sandals: Cynthia Vincent . sunnies: emergency purchase while in San Fran.
I have entered the potty training zone. Jaxon's now 2 1/2 and I probably should have been more vigilant about training him before but now that he's tell me, "I Boo Boo", I think that means I need to get on it. A friend of mine told me a trick she's begun to use with her 2 1/2 year old. Shooting Cheerios. It's a game for daddy and son and well the name kinda speaks for itself. You put about 3 Cheerios in the bowl of the potty and you tell son to aim for the Cheerios. Daddy does it in the big potty and son does it in the little potty beside him. Sounds easy enough, right? For some reason I can imagine a Cheerio surprise for me to clean on the bathroom walls, but if it means getting this kid out of diapers I'm willing to give it a shot. Your prayers are appreciated.